
Cascading Stylesheets — or CSS — is the first technology you should start learning after HTML. While HTML is used to define the structure and semantics of your content, CSS is used to style it and lay it out. For example, you can use CSS to alter the font, color, size, and spacing of your content, split it into multiple columns, or add animations and other decorative features.


You should learn the basics of HTML before attempting any CSS. We recommend that you work through our Introduction to HTML module first.

Once you understand the fundamentals of HTML, we recommend that you learn further HTML and CSS at the same time, moving back and forth between the two topics. This is because HTML is far more interesting and much more fun to learn when you apply CSS, and you can't really learn CSS without knowing HTML.

Before starting this topic, you should also be familiar with using computers and using the web passively (i.e., just looking at it, consuming the content). You should have a basic work environment set up as detailed in Installing basic software and understand how to create and manage files, as detailed in Dealing with files — both of which are parts of our Getting started with the web complete beginner's module.

It is also recommended that you work through Getting started with the web before proceeding with this topic, especially if you are completely new to web development. However, much of what is covered in its CSS basics article is also covered in our CSS first steps module, albeit in a lot more detail.


There are 3 ways to use CSS

Inline CSS

                <button style="color:plum;">Click Me</button>

Internal CSS

                    button {
                        color: plum;

External CSS

In another CSS file we can have:

                button {
                    color: plum;

And then import it into the HTML using the link tag

                <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">

This topic contains the following modules, in a suggested order for working through them. You should definitely start with the first one.

CSS first steps

CSS building blocks

Styling text

CSS layout

Solving common CSS problems

Use CSS to solve common problems provides links to sections of content explaining how to use CSS to solve very common problems when creating a web page.

From the beginning, you'll primarily apply colors to HTML elements and their backgrounds; change the size, shape, and position of elements; and add and define borders on elements. But there's not much you can't do once you have a solid understanding of even the basics of CSS. One of the best things about learning CSS is that once you know the fundamentals, usually you have a pretty good feel for what can and can't be done, even if you don't actually know how to do it yet!

CSS is weird

CSS works a bit differently to most programming languages and design tools you'll come across. Why does it work the way it does? In the following video, Miriam Suzanne provides a useful explanation of why CSS works like it does, and why it has evolved like it has:

See also